Precious Stones are created out of rocks, minerals and organic materials found throughout nature. They have been used as body adornment, healing stones, and spiritual links since Paleolithic times. Though there is little to no evidence for their healing potential, the monetary value of gemstones is proof enough that they affect the way a wearer feels. Each stone has a legendary quality and characteristic that can be matched to the particularities of any person. Though forever still, gemstones have sparked both love and war and represent the every-changing nature of planet Earth and womenhood.
Sicilian women are extremely concerned with the Bella Figura, or one's fine appearance or impression. Even the very poor spend hard earned money on clothes, jewelry, and haircuts. There is a lot of ironing, perfecting and shopping going on all around. For this project, I wanted to give a gift that would be meaningful, valuable and beautiful to the recipients. And I wanted to represent the idea of solidified hormones -the opposite of liquid gold, so to speak.
Each gem was handpicked by myself and Alessio Lattuca, a highly regarded jeweler in Agrigento, Italy. Each one was then treated individually in terms of the cords, closures and rings. Each gem had its own aesthetic personality - some needed more refined collars while others only needed a simple ring and cord. The uniqueness of each stone determined how it would be turned into a necklace.
Each necklace was then presented to the recipient with a pamphlet that explained the project (in English and Italian), and described the stone and the hormone I chose to connect to the recipient.
See each women's page for a close-up of the gem and the corresponding information.