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a celebration of beauty, chemistry
and personal history





Nona Francesca died in 2009 at 102. A teacher and farmer, she was steadfast, judgmental, religious, and strong. Used to wash clothes in a stone tub at the farmhouse, lived for most of her life without electricity or plumbing. Never drank milk, never went grocery shopping herself. Always at home cooking, teaching, or at church. She had two sons. Pushed them to attend school and get off the farm.

quartz rutillinoRutilated Quartz is a mixture of quartz and rutile. Rutile is a major ore of titanium and often forms needle-like crystal inclusions inside quartz. Rutilated quartz is said to enhance one's understanding in difficult situations, thus facilitating timely, appropriate and creative solutions. It is also said that this stone slows down the aging process.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced by an embryo soon after conception and inhibits the body’s natural immune response that would normally work to expel a new embryo. hCG maintains the corpus liteum which is essential for establishing and maintaining a pregnancy. hCG sets the foundation for the growing embryo.